Q: The infraorbital nerve block does NOT affect the:
(A.) Anterior superior alveolar nerve
(B.) Middle superior alveolar nerve
(C.) Posterior superior alveolar nerve
(D.) Infraorbital nerve

Mini Boards Reviews for the National + Local Anesthesia + CSCE Dental Hygiene Boards Exams!
The infraorbital nerve block anesthetizes the infraorbital nerve branch that passes through the infraorbital foramen and splits into the anterior superior alveolar (ASA) and middle superior alveolar (MSA) nerve.
- The anterior superior alveolar (ASA) nerve innervates the maxillary incisors and canine on one side.
- The middle superior alveolar (MSA) nerve innervates the maxillary premolars on one side. Sometimes the MSA is missing and all the premolars are innervated by the ASA.
- The infraorbital nerve block anesthetizes the incisors, canines, and premolars on one side with one injection.
The posterior superior alveolar nerve is not a branch of the infraorbital nerve branch. It is a separate branch of the maxillary nerve and is not affected by the infraorbital nerve block. The posterior superior alveolar nerve block (PSA nerve block) anesthetizes the maxillary molars on one side.
Answer: (C.) Posterior superior alveolar nerve
Recap: MSA and ASA have one parent branch, which is the IO nerve. PSA is separate! You may be smarter and know this information already, but I thought I would make a question out of this just to make sure we are ready for the local anesthesia dental hygiene board exams (WREB, CDCA). This is also relevant for anyone taking the National dental hygiene boards because the nervous system is part of the chapter of Head and Neck anatomy. So today, we killed two birds at once!
StudentRDH has a fantastic Local Anesthesia Board Exam Review course. If you are tired of reading the textbook, this is the greatest alternative. in 2016, hundreds of students passed the boards using StudentRDH Dental Hygiene Boards Review Solution. If you have any questions, email me at ClaireJ@StudentRDH.com. I am here to support your success (and nothing less)! #RoadtoRDH
National (NBDHE, NDHCE)+ Local Anesthesia + CSCE Dental Hygiene Boards Review by StudentRDHWant to see if StudentRDH works for you?Start NOW or FREE Trial
(Disclaimer: StudentRDH is NOT affiliated with the NBDHE, NDHCE, CSCE, CDCA, WREB.)