Greetings, my name is Ilirijana Dzeladini Aliu, RDH. 💙
I am a recent graduate of Parkland College, Dental Hygiene program. I was proud to be Class President throughout the entire program. I am a proud first-generation Albanian woman born and raised in the United States.
My parents are extremely humble and hardworking individuals that made every step of my mountain as easy as it can be to climb and reach my goal. My parents are where I stand today, tomorrow, and forever. Their guidance, encouragement, and love made me achieve what I thought I could never achieve.

The moment you choose the mountain you’ll climb 🗻
It’s time, you have finally decided you want to become a Registered Dental Hygienist. A million thoughts come rushing through. Can I? What if? Is it possible? Will I achieve it? Well, I have one answer for you, at this exact moment and it is yes! Nothing in this world is impossible. We have to challenge our brain from the “I can’t” to the “I can, and I will achieve.”
The amount of work that is put into your prerequisites and the Dental Hygiene Program itself is so rewarding in the end. Let me tell you this, “We are going to walk it out and move mountains.” Soon you will have the opportunity to change a smile and save a life.

Organization and achieving your goal of the day 📑
Being a Dental Hygiene student requires an organized mindset. You will have daily tasks that must be achieved but remember to take each day at a time. Taking two weeks in one day will cause extra stress, worries, and fears. To avoid this, daily planning is required. You’ll find yourself broken down and tired if you worry about “failing, and the journey ahead.”
Focus on your plan for that day and how are you climbing that mountain today. You may slip and fall a few days, but that’s what makes us strong individuals in the program. Rise up and continue to achieve the goal. The tears you shed will one day turn into tears of joy when you see that you have passed examinations, and the program itself. A feeling that never will be forgotten.

The struggles that lead you to success 💎
You may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, losing hope, and not sure if you will reach the tip of the mountain. Let me tell you it’s normal to feel this way. In this program, you spend hours in school, in the clinic, and outside of school to achieve the program guidelines in succeeding. Determination is a strong aspect to adapt, as a student, you will find yourself learning that each day and night you are determined to pass that exam, to pass that quiz, to pass that project, to pass that clinical case study, and so much more.
All the struggles you may face will lead to telling your success story to other individuals. Maybe at this exact moment, you don’t believe the day will come, but you will sit back and remember all the struggles you conquered by staying determined.

Never alone climbing the mountain”
”Climbing any mountain is a struggle but staying determined makes climbing the mountain easier.”
During the program, there are many individuals who are in the exact position that you are in. Every instructor, doctor, and program directors are there to climb the mountain with you. Somedays you’ll feel as if the rain is pouring down, making the climb of the day harder to climb. But there’s always sunshine after it pours. The sunshine is the students who are with you through this journey and your instructors. It makes the climb to your goal easier knowing that you are not alone through this.
The memories that you will make together are the ones that you will cherish forever. The dental family you create for the next two years is walking with you to the tip of your mountain, where your goal awaits. We all rise up as a team, even though it may take a thousand times again.

The Climb to Success ↗️
Remember nothing is impossible, the mindset of possible leads you to your goal. All your hard work, late nights, stress, and belief, will all be worth the climb. Sooner or later, you’ll be sitting for your last semester of the program anxiously awaiting your board examination results. With StudentRDH and the program itself, you will see the world’s famous word “pass!”
Oh, the relief of this day, the tears of joy that are shed, and the excitement your soul will feel. The view from the tip of the mountain is breathtaking. Just across the horizon awaits a new journey, a new chapter in life, that you worked so hard to achieve.
Now go on rise up, work hard, be strong, stay organized, and have a mindset of gold. 🙂
Love your Registered Dental Hygienist, Ilirijana Dzeladini Aliu
Written by:
Ilirijana Dzeladini Aliu, RDH, Parkland College
One thing you can do TODAY is sign up for StudentRDH Weekly Vitamins. Mini-reviews for the Dental Hygiene Boards (NBDHE, NDHCE, WREB, CRDTS, CDCA) will come to you, every week.
The goal is #SuccessAndNothingLess.
(Disclaimer: StudentRDH is NOT affiliated with the NBDHE, NDHCE, CSCE, CDCA, WREB.)